Pappy’s Bees, Honey, & Apiary

Scott Edelman started keeping bees in 2014.  He was very intrigued with the science of bees and it soon became more than just a hobby. Beyond his interest in maintaining beehives, Scott also appreciates the medicinal value that honey can bring to people as nourishment. Feel free to ask Scott any question about bee keeping when you visit the farm.

Welcome to the apiary! Pappy’s Bee’s pure raw honey comes from 15 different hives and three species of bees, Saskatraz, Carniolan and Russian. The hives are located at both Terra Fauna Farm and in Bath, at Hunsicker’s Potato Farm. Terra Fauna Farm originally wanted to keep bees to help with pollination and plant reproduction. Bees are natural pollinators that help with the farm’s ecosystem, so you will see Pappy’s bees hopping around the farm and herb garden doing their busy work. The bees help the farm to grow, and beekeepers help maintain the bee population. It’s a win-win!

Local honey is a natural antibacterial, antibiotic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. It is a miracle food that when eaten raw and local can have countless positive health benefits.

Honey is extracted from the combs by spinning the frames in a “honey extractor,” then the honey goes through a filter to remove the wax. And that’s it! The honey is ready to be bottled. It’s isn’t pasteurized or diluted with other sweeteners.

Reasons to Support Local Raw Honey

One, you get the most pure and raw honey that gives you the best nutritional value. Two, you are supporting an independent business that values healthy conditions for the bees as well as giving their customers clean products.

If you want high quality honey, get to know your beekeeper

Pappy (Scott Edelman)

Something Up My Sleeve

We had our 3rd annual Fall honey harvest this weekend. The bees were very productive once again and we now have a darker amber color honey available.  Slightly stronger in taste, this is typical of Fall honey. You will see it on the CSA table this week. There is a...

Busy As A Bee

Busy As A Bee

The bees have had a tremendously successful Spring harvest this year and we were able to extract some of their extra supply.  We were able to harvest honey in July for the first time since my Dad started beekeeping two years ago.  Generally, bees will need to...

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