
2021 CSA Week 3 Recipes

2021 CSA Week 3 Recipes

Garlic Scape Pizza with Hakurei Turnips and Pepperoni
Additional Recipes for Kohlrabi, Snow Peas, Beets, Garlic Scapes, Broccoli, and Radishes

Herbs of the Week

Herbs of the Week

We still have a ton of herbs and flowers in the garden that can be picked this week. Here are a few of the herbs... Click on the name of the herb to see its featured herb of the week post and recipes! Chives Winter Savory- click here for more recipes Sage Oregano -...

Storage Tips

Storage Tips

Mixing it up this week! Instead of the herb of the week, we decided to give you some information on how to store your produce and how long to expect it to last. Some of the squash listed below you may have not gotten yet, but we want to prepare you in case you do get...