About Us

Heather, Greg, & Jonas Edelman
Heather and Greg have had farming as a part of their lives from the beginning. Heather grew up on her parents dairy farm in Centre County, PA. Greg spent many summer days throwing haybales on his uncle’s farm in Northampton, PA. Drawing inspiration from the books Omnivore’s Dilemma and You Can Farm, they decided to start a farm of their own.
Heather is a nurse, Greg a stone mason, and Jonas a prospective baseball player. When not farming, they relax by taking in a baseball game and if it’s raining they are usually playing board games. Their favorite crops are haricot verts (Heather), sensation melon (Greg), and corn (Jonas).

Joyce Edelman
CSA Member Greeter & Farmhand
Joyce is a Northampton native, growing up on a dairy farm and spending a lot of time in the garden. She splits her day between being a hard working farmhand and a dedicated grandmother. Her favorite vegetable is the tomato, and she makes delicious tomato sauce every year!

Scott Edelman
CSA Member Greeter & Beekeeper
Scott was introduced to the world of farming after meeting his wife Joyce. Scott has been interested in the science of bees for many years, and started beekeeping in 2014 with 4 hives. Now he has 22 hives! Scott believes that honey is not only delicious, but has rich nutritional and medicinal value as well. He takes great joy in greeting CSA members and sharing his love and knowledge of bees and food.

Noah Sumner
Noah is a recent graduate of Northampton Area High School and this is his second season at Terra Fauna. Noah wanted to have a meaningful job that helps the community! His favorite crop is tomatoes and for fun, he likes to run.

Ella Sumner
This is Ella’s first season with Terra Fauna and she is a senior at Fellowship Christian High School. In her spare time, she enjoys playing guitar, drawing, track, and volleyball. She wanted to work at TFF to learn about growing plants and to be outside more. In the future, she hopes to study either constitutional law or computer science. Her favorite plant at the farm, by far, is cilantro.

Brock Weiner
Brock has watched his Uncle Greg grow Terra Fauna Farm since its beginnings on a sole acre. Brock is thrilled to be an official farmhand for fifth year. He completed his senior year at Commonwealth Charter Academy, stays active in Boy Scouts, keeping bees with his Pappy and hiking. His favorite crop is potatoes!
Former Farmhands

Brandy Moser
Farmhand & CSA Member Greeter
Brandy graduated from Boston University with a double major in biochemistry and nutrition. She now attends graduate school at the University of New Hampshire for her MS and PhD in Nutrition. When she’s not studying or gardening she likes be biking, hiking and stand-up paddle boarding! Her favorite veggie is the zucchini and loves to cook/eat absolutely everything!

Alexa Chromey
This is Alexa’s second season with Terra Fauna. She is at a recent graduate of Northampton Area High School. She loves playing softball for the high school and her tournament team. She is very excited to work at the farm and her favorite crop is strawberries!

Anton Shannon
Anton is currently in his third season as a part-time farmer with Terra Fauna. He began farming at The Seed Farm in 2010 when he moved back to the Lehigh Valley. He now runs his own farm, the Good Work Farm, in Nazareth. He also enjoys outdoor activities like hiking an camping!

Andeana Gonzales
Andeana’s spent four years working at Terra Fauna. She started organic farming because she wanted to work outdoors in nature. She wanted to get in touch with the earth to produce delicious vegetables that can be shared with her community and family. Andeana is a vegetarian and locavour and enjoys cooking with seasonal vegetables and discovering new recipes. She loves eating hot food! She enjoys cooking with hot peppers and pickling everything! For fun Andeana likes to travel, hike, and roller skate.

Jarod Pokorny
Jarod joined Terra Fauna last season, bringing with him 5 years of farming experience. He is now studying at Delaware Valley University. He is an aspiring farmer that hopes to feed the community and take care of the Earth in the process. When he is not farming, he is gardening or playing the piano and his favorite crop is sensation melons!

Peter Schleicher
Peter spent the 2021 season working at Terra Fauna. He is an accounting and pre-law major at Colorado Christian University. He wanted to work at the farm to learn more about small agriculture and community sustainability. In his spare time he likes to read and his favorite food is watermelon!

Brian Sylstra
Brian spent 5 years with us and now a per-diem farmer with Terra Fauna. From Lower Nazareth, Brian has been organic gardening for 17+ years and organic vegetable farming since 2009. He’s so passionate about sustainable, plant-based food production that in his spare time he runs his own market garden called Ray of Sun Farm which you can find at the Nazareth Farmers Market.

Joan Zachary
Joan has been a CSA member for 7 years and loves to bring her camera. She has captured many of the incredible photos of the farm used to make this website.