Strawberries – looking like a great year for them!
Broccoli – Two new varieties this year. The first one is looking very nice!
Kohlrabi – one more week for this hard to find in a box store, CSA specialty!
Red Beets – beautiful crop of these with very nice greens you can use as well
Snow Peas – a light crop this year, great for stir fries or raw in a salad, these are the flat type pea with an edible “shell”
Turnips – the Japanese Hakurei Turnip, there are many ways to enjoy this sweet turnip. A great looking crop this year will give everyone a chance to try out a few different recipes.
Lettuce – heads of green, buttery leaves
Garlic Scapes – the pointed, immature flower bud of a garlic plant. We snip these off so the plant puts forth all its energy into making a bigger bulb. The scapes can be cut up like a scallion into any dish you would like to add some garlic flavor to.
And last all members will have a choice between Kale, Swiss Chard or one last chance at a head of Yokatta Na for the year. Full shares will get two choices.
And don’t forget to pick your herbs and a bouquet of flowers for the week!