It’s only about a 40 degree difference right now from the last time I wrote a blog the previous week!  No doubt about it though, the crops are loving it.   Good soil moisture, full sun, warm air… things are really taking off now.    Everyone seemed to be loving those first two shares which were heavy on the “greens” department, but as this weather warms up we will see less of those cooler weather crops.   In fact, there is quite a turn over from what was in last weeks share to what is in this week.  Fret not however, the strawberries will be back!  In this week’s share will be…

Strawberries –  looking like a great year for them!

Broccoli – Two new varieties this year.  The first one is looking very nice!









Kohlrabi –  one more week for this hard to find in a box store, CSA specialty!

Red Beets – beautiful crop of these with very nice greens you can use as well

Snow Peas – a light crop this year, great for stir fries or raw in a salad, these are the flat type pea with an edible “shell”

Turnips – the Japanese Hakurei Turnip, there are many ways to enjoy this sweet turnip.  A great looking crop this year will give everyone a chance to try out a few different recipes.

Lettuce – heads of green, buttery leaves

Garlic Scapes –  the pointed, immature flower bud of a garlic plant.  We snip these off so the plant puts forth all its energy into making a bigger bulb.  The scapes can be cut up like a scallion into any dish you would like to add some garlic flavor to.

  And last all members will have a choice between Kale, Swiss Chard or one last chance at a head of Yokatta Na for the year.  Full shares will get two choices.

And don’t forget to pick your herbs and a bouquet of flowers for the week!