This time of the CSA season sort of feels like that inning during a baseball game when everyone stands up, stretches out, looks around, does the wave, sort of takes it all in for a minute. Most of the game has been played, but there are still a couple of promising looking innings(months) left. The fall squash harvest looks like it will be bountiful and will be batting cleanup. We’ll have spaghetti, butternut, acorn, delicata, and neck pumpkins. We still have some sweet potato beds to dig up, consider them to be bench warmers for now. The lettuce and spinach are still in the minor leagues but eagerly await their call up back to the majors. The dragon beans are in the on deck circle. And up for its final at bat of the season is the watermelon!
Despite the approach of Fall, the garden looks like it could use a Spring cleaning. The tomatoes are still pumping out delicious fruit, but the plants are looking rough. We have fox tail high enough to tickle the back of your necks. Empty beds of past vegetable harvests are filling up again, but this time with weeds! Time to get the plow hooked back up…
CSA shareA little more taste of summer left for everyone this week!
Potatoes -Red Sangre (good for boiling/baking)
Onions – White Wing (good storage onion)