CSA Share for week 7
Lettuce Mix – the last week for lettuce till late August/early September due to heat
Zucchini – far, far, far, from the last week for this guy LOL! Looks like a bumper crop
Shell Peas – freshly shucked peas simply have no equal when it comes to taste
Sugar Snap Peas – We’ll try to pick them faster then we can eat ’em!
Cabbage, Broccoli, Cauliflower – I think it will be a pick 2 out of the 3 for members. The numbers are close.
And some new roots for everyone this week,
Red Beets – I’m beet! Beet by the weeds. Probably only this 1 week of beets till fall.
New Potatoes – Young, tender potatoes. Fantastic for roasting whole. Leave the tender skins on!
Herbs – Parsley, Thyme, Rosemary, Sage, Basil, Mint, Oregano, Chives.
We also now have our frozen whole chickens for sale at a members only price of $3.75/lb.
Non-members = $4.00/lb
We will be butchering our 2nd batch of chickens this Wednesday a week earlier then originally planned. If you are interested in picking some up fresh let us know and we can make arrangements for pick up.
The crew really had a productive week and we are gaining on the weeds. We have a big week ahead of us to get some more fall crop beds prepped and seeds planted. The tomatoes and melons are really starting to set fruit and the satisfaction of biting into the first ripe one of the year is only a couple weeks away!
Unfortunately for us, this will be our farmhand Rachel’s last week at Terra Fauna this year. She is off to Peru to further her studies in the Environmental Science field. Rachel was with us all of last year and really became a key cog in the wheel that helps our farm grow. We will really miss her, but wish her all of the best!
Have a fun filled holiday weekend,