Summer’s bounty keeps on rolling in this week.  We have gotten alot of rave reviews on the first two weeks of sweet corn which was a yellow variety.  Now it looks as though our white variety will be ready this week.  Is it possible to get sweet corned out?!?  We actually planted a third rotation this year as well for the first time.  This should not be ready till the beginning of September though.

Joining the white sweet corn as a new item this week will be our frying peppers called Marconi and Jimmy Nardellos.  They have an intimidating look about them with their fiery red color, but these peppers are super sweet.  Returning members are surely familiar with them as we have grown the Nardellos I believe every year we have had a CSA and the Marconi’s at least the past 5 years.  They are too good to stop growing!

The tomato crop is now in full on ripening mode.  If you are interested in a peck or a half bushel of Amish Paste tomatoes for preserving let us know.  We can have them waiting for you at CSA pick up or really whenever would be convenient for you.  But don’t hesitate too long to get them.  Tomato season can fly by quickly depending on the weather and other variants beyond our control.  The cherry tomatoes also are great for dehydrating and bringing out over the winter as well.  We have extra of them as well if you are interested.

Here is the share for week 11:

White Sweet Corn


Red Onions


Zucchini – 8 ball(perfect for stuffing) & Patty Pan type

Watermelon – Red variety

Galia Melon

Peppers – Hot, Sweet Bell, and Sweet Frying


Choice Table ( tomatillos, celery, + more)