This week’s share is full of summertime favorites. The weather has that tropical feel to it right now and the plants are loving it… weeds included! The share will consist of:
Sweet Corn: a yellow variety is first which will be followed soon after by a white variety.
Tomatoes: I’m not yet 100% sure we’ll have enough of both the slicers and cherry type for everyone. But we will piece it together somehow. The plants and tomatoes look very strong. We also planted more last week in hopes of extending the season out longer this year
Eggplant: Asian and Italian type. Again, the plants look so strong right now. Promising sign of a great eggplant season.
Beans: Lots of bean picking these days. Both green and yellow type to choose from.
Peppers: Sweet Bell peppers & a variety Hot peppers
Carrots, Cucumbers, & Zucchini round out the share.
We will have some other veggies available to purchase like the kale and swiss chard again. Our freezer is also getting filled back up this week with whole chicken and sausage grillers.
In farming news, the garlic is now all in from the field and in the greenhouse curing. It will be in the CSA share next week.
It is a nice looking crop!
Once the garlic is cured, cleaned and out of the greenhouse we will start the onion harvest. Quite a few thousand of those to bring in!
At week 8 we now sit about 1/3 of the way through the season. I hope everyone is enjoying the CSA shares. It’s a blessing to be harvesting all of this goodness!
Hi Greg.
Do we need to pre order sausages? Or can we just pick meats up when we arrive on our regularly scheduled day?
And the veggies are looking beautiful. Thanks for everyone’s hard work and dedication.
Hi Peggy,
You will be able to just pick up meats when you are here for your CSA share. There will not be a need to pre order.
Thank you!