CSA List
Acorn Squash
Butternut Squash
Lettuce Mix
Kale / Swiss Chard
Red Potatoes
We have another new variety of squash in the share this week, the acorn squash. Like most other winter squash, this one stores very well in a cool dry location. If you need an idea on how to prepare you can give one of these a try: http://www.thekitchn.com/10-ways-to-eat-an-acorn-squash-129731 Unfortunately, we do not have 10 acorn squash for each member though!
We will have one last hurrah of eggplant for everyone this week. It certainly has been a banner year for them.
We started preparing the field for 2015 already. The back half has now been tilled up and soon will be rows of garlic and shallots. Strange but true, garlic and shallots are planted in October and harvested in July. What ground is left will be planted in a “cover crop” of rye grass. This helps to protect our soil during the winter months and in the spring when it is tilled under will help to build up our organic matter. After five years of this type of land stewardship, we have seen a dramatic increase of quality in our soil. Very gratifying…
The deer are really starting to catch on to the fact that we are growing some great tasting greens. The latest one they “approve” of is the spinach. They mowed about 30 feet of our 100 foot bed. After harvesting what was left last week, we will give it a chance to grow some more before another harvest (hopefully)
We still have a few more things still to come this year. Neck Pumpkins, Parsnips, and Broccoli are looking good. We also have a bunch of cabbage that needs to get growin!
Have a great week!