The share last week was such a good one we are going to do it all again this week!  Well, there will be some subtle changes… 

Sweet Corn –  the deer are on to us and have really started to go to town on it.  Last week for it!

Watermelon – we might have a mixture of red or yellow to choose from

Galia Melon – plenty of these delicious things for everyone!

Beans – probably the last week of picking for our first planting.  the 2nd planting looks promising

Zucchini – this might have to go on the choice table if we do not have enough to go around

Cucumbers –  we have a new “Armenian serpent” cucumber ripening up  wait till you see these!

Shallots – love these guys chopped and mixed in with our beans

Sweet/Hot Peppers – A few frying peppers tossed in perhaps this week?

Eggplant – by the time this season is over, you will have tried every use for eggplant known to mankind! 

Tomatoes –  We should have a harvest of the bigger heirlooms for everyone this week!

Choice Table :  Cabbage, Carrots, Okra, Celery


The start of heirloom tomato season is here and that means BLT season.  If you haven’t tried Calaboga Grazing’s bacon yet, you are really missing out!  It is the best.  And now we have access to artisan cheese from Fulper Family Farmstead!  Somebody pinch me…  haha!  Fulper Farmstead will be here on Friday for member’s to sample their dairy products.

Here’s about half of the galia’s I harvested today.  They are now staying nice and cool till Tuesday.

I haven’t had a bad one yet this season and we only eat the cracked and damaged ones.  Maybe that’s the secret to picking out a good one?!?


Have a great week!