The predicted low tonight of 27 degrees is sure to wipe out a few things. This is the earliest freeze we have had since we started farming 6 years ago. We have a few things protected, but really, it was time to say thanks and good bye to a few other crops like the eggplant & peppers! Some others, the flowers in particular, we were sad to see them go. Saturday they were still so happy and bright. This morning, well not so much! But we really did have a great flower patch this year and for that we are thankful. And while we are on the subject of cold weather, we just purchased a greenhouse for next year to help extend the season of a few things and maybe help us grow greens a little more consistently.
CSA share
Butternut or Neck Pumpkin
Collards / Kale / Chard
Indian (decorative) Corn
Choice Table
We have frozen chickens available too, if you would like to put a couple away in the freezer for over the long winter!