The strawberry floodgates are opening and this week it looks like we will have plenty of them for the CSA shares and hopefully opportunity for everyone to purchase more if they choose.  We’re hoping to pick enough so that Full share members get 2 qt and Half share members get 1 qt.   The favorable weather forecast and the current conditions of the patch have me anticipating a great season for them!

But you win some and you lose some and this season it does not look too good for the Broccoli which is heading up and the heads are small and not looking like they will get much bigger.  Luckily we replanted a few weeks ago because we suspected something didn’t look quite right with the plants.   We also will plant broccoli again for a Fall harvest so we have another  couple chances to get it right!   For now, it looks like a small harvest that we will divide out among everyone.

Also new in the share this week will be kohlrabi which is closely related to broccoli however very different looking!  The bulbous stem of kohlrabi is frequently used raw in salads and slaws after peeling away the outer fibrous layer.  It is also good cooked.

Here is what will be available in the share this week:


Lettuce Mix

Japanese Turnips





Yokatta Na

Choice of Greens :  Spinach, Arugula, Broccoli Raab, Kale, Swiss Chard

Poppy fields have long been the symbol of remembrance and honor of military lives lost at war. Our red poppies this Memorial Day.