The dry and hot theme for 2022 continued on last week, but the CSA shares are still going quite strong. It’s just taking a little bit of extra work this year with the irrigation to take care of. This past week the crew did a wonderful job of harvesting a good size portion of the winter squash. From the field, the squash were then laid out on the greenhouse tables to cure. In the share this week, we’ll include one of these varieties called the Delicata Squash.
These have delicate skins so there is no need to peel them. The creamy yellow flesh is wonderfully sweet, so you don’t need to add much to enjoy it. And it’s incredibly versatile—it can be stuffed and baked, steamed, oven roasted, or sautéed.
The other new item in the share this week will be Red Onions. The variety we grew this year is called Red Bull. We’re very excited about this onion and now can’t sleep 😉 Just kidding! But this is a tasty onion and will store well for you if needed.
So the CSA share this week will look like this:
Red Onions
Delicata Squash
Sweet Corn
Sweet Peppers
Hot Peppers
Spaghetti Squash – these also store well for months if needed
Substitute Table: Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Okra, Potatoes, Eggplant and more!
Also new for this week, Pappy took a little of the late Summer honey off the hives and now has a darker, more robust flavored honey available for purchase under the CSA pavilion!