Week 22 will feature a few vegetables we had way back in the some of the early shares of Summer with some slight varietal changes. For the Fall we have grown a Savoy type Cabbage. It’s been a few years since we grew this type, but it’s fun to change it up now and then! The Savoy cabbage has the same shape as green and red cabbage, but has the striking deep-green, crinkly leaves. Its flavor is mild and earthy. Its leaves don’t have that same crispness to them that other cabbages do when raw, so we like it best when cooked, either roasted or sautéed.
Also coming back into the shares this week will be a couple more rewards of persevering through the hot and dry weather of Summer, Carrots and Broccoli. The carrots did have poor germination so they are not as plentiful as hoped, but some carrots are better then no carrots! If you are a big fan of broccoli, also check out the choice/substitution table to see if we have broccolini. It is finally starting to mature to the point we can pick some. Our timing was a bit off this year as it was planned to start picking before we had heads of regular broccoli. Alas, we have both at the same time!
As you come down the driveway you’ll notice the main field of our farm is now planted with a cover crop of clover, oats and rye and ready to rest and replenish itself for next Spring. It’s a soothing site to see!
The CSA list for this week
Butternut Squash
Kabocha Squash
choice of: Kale, Collards, Swiss Chard, or Yokatta Na
And a choice/substitution table