The Fall heat wave started to really do some damage to our best laid plans for these final few weeks of the CSA. Some of our lettuce has bolted and gone bitter, one variety of arugula is now in flower, and we have two plantings of broccoli that are now heading up at the same time despite being planted 21 days apart. This is all pretty minor in the grand scheme of things. We’ve had lettuce and arugula in the share the past weeks and I can think of worse things to be overwhelmed in besides broccoli!
CSA List
Carrots – baby size from our Fall planting that is just starting to size up
Lettuce Greens – not sure the yet exactly, but I know we’ll have something here
Sweet Potatoes – this week we’ll have the orange variety, beauregard , which is a bit more moist and sweeter then the white ones which are still just absolutely delicious
Acorn Squash
Purple Fingerlings
Choice Table
We will also have a new item available for purchase, COFFEE! 100% organically grown coffee beans roasted fresh by Four Monkeys Coffee from Kutztown. They are supplying us with two of their varieties. The medium roasted breakfast blend called Good Morning Monkey, has hints of cocoa and lemon. Their medium dark roast called the Howler Blend has hints of milk chocolate and almonds. I tried the breakfast blend this morning and it was noticeably better then my usual! Four Monkeys Coffee would like to see if we would be interested in having a coffee CSA share as an add on for next year. The details of which are still up in the air, but it would be something like a whole coffee share would get 4 lbs of coffee per month and a half share would get 2 lbs and the roasts and flavors will change along the way. From now until the end of the 2017 CSA we will have 12 ounce bags of beans for $12.50.
Have a great week!