This Spring weather has a two steps forward and one step back feel to it, but we are diligently chipping away at getting the spring crops in the ground.  Sometimes it doesn’t pay to get things in too early.  We planted beets, radish and turnips a few weeks back and they came up so nicely, only to be knocked back hard by the late snow and freeze.  It doesn’t look like they have grown an inch since.  Other crops like our lettuce, spinach, & asparagus, are right on schedule for a mid to late May harvest.  We still have 3+ weeks till the scheduled start of the CSA, so it is too early to say whether or not there will be a delayed start but it is starting to have that feel to it.  A fair weather month of May and we might be right back where we belong. 

We are welcoming a new apiarist to Terra Fauna Farm this year.  My Dad did some extensive reading this winter, joined the beekeepers association, and ordered himself 5 “nucs” or beehives.  2 of the hives are active and there are 3 more from upstate New York on the way.   There will be quite a buzz in the air this year! 

Pea Germination looks good!

Red Russian Kale

Purple Asparagus Spears