Not Quite Spring

Not Quite Spring

Let’s hope this week will be winter’s last gasp!  While it remains to be seen how much snow we will get on Tuesday, the cold forecast surely means we are going to see a delay to the outdoor planting.  Ironically, our bag of Blizzard snow peas will have to...

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Although it hasn’t felt much like Fall yet, the final week of the 2016 CSA season is upon us.  I do believe this week we will be in for some more Fall-like weather with a couple of frosty mornings and crispy nights predicted.  The CSA shares have reflected the...
Just Keep Planting

Just Keep Planting

We have had some pretty nice weather for farming this year, our 7th of farming and we are very thankful.  That being said,  September was certainly the most difficult month of weather we had this season.   We struggled getting our Fall crops to germinate, grow, and...

Bean Town

The featured item in this weeks CSA is the “King of the Early” dry beans.  Dry beans are not a very popular item for a CSA to grow for members because they are a lot of work.  First they are a long season crop, so they need to be kept weed free over an...

First Day of Fall

The first official day of Fall arrives this week but the summertime temperatures just keep on coming.  Looks like we’ll have another week of mid 80’s… I sure do wish we had another rotation of watermelon out there to pick!   Alas, no watermelons this...


Celeriac — what is that?!? Celeriac is a gnarled looking light brown root which is very knobby.  Also called celery root, it has a distinctive taste that can be described as a cross between strong celery and parsley with a nutty twist. It has the texture of potatoes...