Labor Day weekend is here and with the unofficial start of Fall we’ll also start including winter squash in the CSA shares.  The Delicata Squash will be the first one up.












They are pictured here (yellow w/green striping) in the greenhouse with a variety of other winter squash.  These are smaller then most of the other squash and the skins are “delicate” enough that they are completely edible after roasting.

Another new item this week is the Russet Potatoes which will store very well but we are also including Leeks in the share so saving them for later might be tough to do!


The Leeks are looking pretty nice this year.

The CSA list this week:

Russet Potatoes


Delicata Squash

Spaghetti Squash


Green Filet Beans

Dragon Tongue Beans

and a

Choice Table!

Enjoy the Holiday!!