Lots to do now that July is here!  We are spending as much time reaping the rewards of what we have sewn earlier in year(harvesting), as we are spending on preparing for a bountiful harvest in the fall.  Some of the projects we accomplished or should I say started to accomplish this week were

-harvested garlic, shallots, onions and put up for curing

-trellised tomotoes

-planted flats of broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and kohlrabi

-planted acorn squash,edamame, and 2nd plantings of zuchini, cukes, red beets, & carrots

along with our regular farm chores of CSA and market harvest, weeding, moving the beef cattle to a fresh pasture, & keeping the chickens fed. 

I certainly am not doing all this myself.  We have a great crew this year making it possible and I thank them all profusely! 

CSA share for this week is:

Fingerling Potatoes


Green Beans

Onions ( a sweet yellow, a sweet red, and a mild white )

Savoy Cabbage




If you are interested in purchasing a bulk amount of carrots or beans for freezing let us know now! 

We are hoping for a bountiful harvest of tomatoes also if you are interested in canning a sauce.