Drought. What a way to start out the first year on our new farm! When we first started planting seeds in April, I decided to plant them in a corner of the farm that we really do not have a good way to irrigate. I really didn’t think it was that brash of a thing to do but who would have known that we would go 21 days without rain. Anyway, despite our time and effort to water this 1/2 acre with a 300 gallon water buggy, it is starting to look pretty bleak. Our lettuce, scallions, and red beets are just about toast. The peas, arugula, and carrots are hanging on though. We have replanted lettuce, scallions and beets down in the main section of the farm that we have irrigated with drip tape. Everything on drip tape is looking decent. Growing very slowly, but overall, looks healthy. A lot of plant energy is being spent on just surviving these dry hot and windy conditions. In any case, we are going to forge ahead with our plans to start the CSA next week on Tuesday May 19 and Friday May 22. If all goes accordingly from here on the first share will include spinach, radish, asparagus, rhubarb, spring onions, maybe turnips, arugula and some other greens.
Along with trying to keep up with the watering, we have been very busy tilling, planting, weeding, building fence, building a pack shed, etc, etc, etc. There has been a heck of lot to do to get a new farm up and ready for the CSA season. We are feeling pretty darn exhausted and it’s only May! No matter, the rest of the way out, I plan on getting a blog out on Sunday evenings to update members on what’s growing up and what’s going down on the farm.
We will send an email out too this week to all members.
Pictures will be posted tomorrow here.
See everyone soon!