Well that was a quick cool down! It’s hard to believe we have seen the last of the hot and muggy days of summer, but I see nothing in the 10 day forecast to say otherwise. While the summer heat loving crops of tomatoes, squash, okra, etc might not like it… the fall crops of broccoli, lettuce, arugula, etc are loving it. The CSA share this week will feature the start of our “winter” squash harvest with spaghetti squash. Spaghetti squash resembles spaghetti strands when cooked and has a mild taste similar to pasta. It is often used as a healthful substitute for pasta due to its low carbohydrate levels. We often serve it as “spaghetti,” and top with a wide variety of pasta sauces. Another new vegetable we have in the share this week is fennel. There are endless ways to use this member of the carrot family. I like to slice some up and add it to my tomato sandwiches! This year’s crop was planted in our bottom field and did not particularly like the prolonged soggy conditions it was in. The bulbs are smaller then we hope for, but still delicious!
Here is the complete share for the last week of August:
Sweet Peppers
Hot Peppers
Spaghetti Squash
Choice Table