I think we are done now with the 90 degree days.  Last week was pretty brutal on us and the plants but rain and cooler temps have arrived!  For the most part, our crops still look to be in decent shape despite the heat and dry conditions.  We did have a late planting of kohlrabi that was transplanted right in the midst of the heat wave and suffered mightily for it.  But we do have some real nice heads of broccoli in the share this week and a lot more on the way!  Broccoli tends to like cooler weather and is usually more productive in the fall then the Spring, but this intense fall heat had me concerned.  Our okra sure loved the late summer heat wave and gave us a big surge in production… probably the last though.   And I think the hericot vert sure appreciated the heat too, so there is always something on the farm that likes the weather it seems.  I, for one, though can’t wait to get back to farming in my flannels and sweatshirts!

CSA Share


Yellow Hericot Vert

Sweet Potatoes

Acorn Squash

Butternut Squash


Swiss Chard / Kale

Choice : Okra, Eggplant, Patty Pan, Peppers

Herbs & Flowers

Have a cool week!
