I don’t want to rush things since the harvest moon is not until mid September, but this week we will have Harvest Moon Potatoes in the share. It’s a bit to be excited about since a couple months ago it wasn’t a sure thing we were going to have any at all. I think I may have mentioned it in a blog before, but since the potatoes were planted in the lowest field they struggled to grow with the extremely wet May and June we had. On top of that, since it was so muddy, we could not get in the field to hill them properly or cultivate them timely and the weed pressure was very high. So it feels really good to have any at all to offer!
Also back this week are beans!
We have three varieties to pick. The yellow beans are the same variety we had earlier in the year, however the green beans are a different variety from the 1st round. These are thinner, longer beans called Haricot Vert. We have grown these in the past but since they are a bit more tedious to pick I was not going to grow them in 2019. But once Heather found out, I was told I better think twice about that as these are her favorite! The 3rd bean we have is the yellow bean with purple splashes and these are called Dragon’s Tongue Beans. Very juicy, and thick beans that are great snackers or in stir fries.
Peaking around at some Fall crops this week it looks like the Sweet Potatoes are doing well, the lima and soup beans are hanging heavy, and, believe it or not, it looks like the Brussels Sprouts are doing just fine!
For this week the CSA share will consist of
Cherry Tomatoes
Slicing Tomatoes
Patty Pan Zucchini – last week for zucchini in 2019
Spaghetti Squash
Harvest Moon Potatoes – these are good every which way: baked, mashed, boiled, fried, or salad
Choice Table with Okra, Cucumbers, Onions, Garlic, Celery, Chard, Kale, Tomatillo, Peppers, Eggplant