We were tested this past week by ol’ mother nature. On Wednesday, she threw a hail storm our way. Ripped up the garden a good bit but everything should recover with time. We will have to give the swiss chard a break. The peppers and melons were the next hardest hit, but we should still have a nice harvest if we do not have any more unfortunate incidents. The next little round of turmoil she threw at us came on Saturday. I was trimming the weeds along the electric fence of the pasture when I stumbled onto a hornets nest in the ground. They were not very welcoming. I ended up in the hospital with hives from head to toe and a good bit of swelling that was out of control until the meds kicked in. Crazy! I was having such a productive day too!! I had trellised all the tomatoes and had rototilled a couple of beds for some fall plantings before this lovely incident. After the doctor told me I would be under observation for 4 more hours, I asked Heather if she would go back to the garden and get the dragon’s tongue bean seeds in the ground for me. She so kindly obliged! Hey, time is slipping away and if you have ever had dragon’s tongue beans before, you are thanking Heather right now! After my 4 hour observation was up, I was just a bit groggy with 150mg of benedryl in me. I stumbled around the garden for some time before bitterly giving up for the day. LOL, what a day.
CSA List
Kale – Blue Ridge curly or Red Russian flat
Carrots – Mokum
Beets – 3 Root Grex
Zucchini/Squash – Sunburst Patty Pan
Green Beans – Provider
Yellow Beans – Concador
New Potatoes – Irish Cobbler
Fingerling Potatoes – Red Thumb (best roasted)
Onions – Rossa Lunga di Tropea You have to read this blog post! http://vegetablesofinterest.typepad.com/vegetablesofinterest/2007/08/tropea-rossa-lu.html I swear I ordered the seed before reading this!
Hopefully, Maybe just enough sungold tomatoes to go around for everyone. We picked a quart today but we need at least 7 times that to have a little for everyone on Tuesday.
Here’s to a healthy week!